Academic Publication

A Preliminary Study on Aceh War and The Straits Response 1873-1900

Exploring the role of the Acehnese resistance against the Dutch, this paperargues that it contributed to the increasing hostility of other Muslimcommunities in the...

Aceh and Council of Eight in Penang 1873-1876

Abstract The expanding Dutch military forces over Aceh’s territories in the 19th century caused advancing international diplomacy between Aceh and the outside world. Since the...

Sumber Otentik Berbahasa Aceh

Oleh Nia Deliana Berdasarkan penelitian dari beberapa sumber sejarah, Bahasa Aceh (BA) dipercayai hanya berada pada tingkatan oral saja. Pernyataan ini didukung oleh penemuan-penemuan mengenai...