Syllabus POL 218


Course Description

This course surveys main perspectives on gender and politics. It includes topics as follows: 1). Definition of “Gender” and “Politics”; 2). Social movements; 3). Political parties; 4). Suffrage and Voting; 5). Violence and resistance; 6). Democracy and election; 7). Representation; 8). Gender quota; 9). State; 10). Public policy; 11). Institution; 12). Post conflict politics; 13). International politics; 14). Non democratic regimes; 15). Research Frontiers; It is expected that the course would be able to map not only theories diversity but also comparative conceptual similarities and differences from the existing scholarly literatures on gender and politics.

Program Learning Outcome

The faculty of social sciences committed to the achieve several faculty program outcomes through numerous activities. The main source of outcome fulfillment is derived from the classes implemented and developed by faculty members. This course is aligned to 3 faculty program outcomes as written below:

1). Students are able to evaluate critically diverse relevant theory on contemporary political phenomena.

2). Students are able to synthesize theoretical knowledge to develop a new perspective on political dynamic in global context.

3). Students are able to analyze in comparative politics on global issue and its implication to states and Muslim societies.

Student Learning Outcome

To achieve the faculty program outcome above, this course targets student development in not only analytical skill but also research and soft skills. Thus, by the end of the semester, the students are expected to be able to delivers several outcomes, as follows:

1). To possess relevant understanding on theory and concept in gender and politic.

2). To possess a relevant understanding on gender and political research based on comparative political approach.

3). To possess a relevant understanding on main perspective on women, men and the intersectionality in politics.

4) Able to construct analytical perspective on similarities and differences of numerous state experiences in dealing with gender issues.

5). Able to produce new contribution in the theories, concepts, research and analytical skills on gender and politics. This special outcome is intended to be delivered by doctoral students.

6). Able to communicate with diverse parties and communities on relevant current issues on gender and politics in Indonesia and other countries.

Assessment Policies

Readings must be completed before class on the day they are due. I reserve the right to add or omit the readings when necessary.

Attendance and discussion participation is obligatory for every student enrolled in the class. The contribution made during the class attendances and participations determines the grade value at the end of the semester.

The second assessment materials come from the assignment of reading analysis paper. There will be 4 submission of readings analysis papers throughout the semester. Each of the papers is written at 1000 words max for master students and 2000 words for doctoral ones. The key take of assessment is based on the quality of writing organization; an argument and conclusion, topic sentence, and be proofread by Grammarly for grammar and spelling. Paper should a). compare and contrast between 2 papers, b). a reading to discuss/analyze some personal experience you have had or, c) apply a reading to analyze a film, photos, ads, or a news article relevant to the course.

The third assessment is based on midterm where student will be given several questions related to gender and political theories, concept, and dynamics cases across several countries.

Final Project is allocated for 10-12 pages that is case study of relationship between gender and politics anywhere in the world. Political issues or institutions/organizations relevant to the course main subject perspective. The project focuses on analyzing how concept of the course applies to your chosen case. It could be comparative in focus. Reference list at least 3 from the course and 3 from outside.

Final Project Stages:

14 March: A paragraph description of your paper topic due in class.

28 March: A list of references (course readings and non-course readings you intend to cite (due in class).

4 April: A paragraph summarizing the argument you intend to make (due in class)

9 May: A short 10-minute presentation of your paper topic and finding in class

14 June: a hard copy of your paper is due in my office.


Final grades

Attendance and Discussion participation 20%

Reading analysis Papers 20%

Midterm 30%

Final Project 30%


Grading scale (in points):


Score                            Grade                      Weight


85 –  100                         A                             4.0
80 – < 85                          A-                            3.7
75 – < 80                          B+                           3.3
70 – < 75                          B                             3.0
65 – < 70                          B-                            2.7
60 – < 65                          C+                           2.3
55 – < 60                          C                             2.0
40 – < 55                          D                             1.0
00 – < 40                          E                                0

Scholarship Bound Obligation

As of scholarship fairness outcome, Student must be adorned to the regulation of minimum passing grade is C.

Overall CGPA that consist of two C shall re-take the class. Failing to do so would risk exemption as scholarship beneficiary.


As a member of UIII Social Sciences community, you are also expected to understand and uphold the following policies:

Academic honesty

The Faculty of Social Sciences takes academic honesty very seriously. Every work submitted by students should be individual student’s work unless instructed to be a group work by the course instructor. Students should acknowledge any ideas, thought or anything they borrow or learn from other people’s works by clearly indicating a clear reference to all sources consulted both in the main body of work or the list of references. The faculty does not tolerate dishonest efforts by its students. Students who are guilty of cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and any other forms of academic misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, written warning, point deduction, disqualification from the course, or dismissal from the program.

Sexual misconduct policy

The Faculty of Social Sciences is committed to creating a safe and friendly learning environment for all community members. The policy applies in the class and all university environments as well as activities, including online ones. The Faculty of Social Sciences does not tolerate any sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment. All members of the Faculty of Social Sciences are encouraged to report promptly complaints about sexual misconduct to the designated University Office. A person who is found to violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, written warning, demotion, transfer, dismissal, or termination.


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